Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ducotte's sweet ride

Guess who got the big flying mount?

On a related note, guess who is completely broke now? Yeah... /sigh


Black Crow said...

sensei broke? but whose supposed to bail ME out?!

congrats though, being broke can be fun sometimes when you have a slick new "keeping up with the jones'" item. way to be a ballar sensei.

Cyrusse said...

Bail out? Since when am I the federal government? Don't worry though, by the time Blackelk hits 70 the welfare program will be back in operation. We already know of some gnomes that would pay well for nuclear technology... ahem... shhh... I mean, the fundamentals of my gold are strong. Yeah..

I'm looking forward to getting my ass kicked by flying mobs a bit less, now that I'll be better at the time honored platypus tradition of "RUN AWAY!!" hehe

Lorigga said...

Congrats! Considering how much I read/listen to WoW related garbage I'm thankful to know someone who's "living the dream."

You're mount looks all bandaged a crazy gimp...pulp fiction =)

Cyrusse said...

yeah... I'm not really sure what's up with its sieve-eyeball protector thingies. They kind of scare me.

defmoose said...

just 3 more levels until we can fly...