Mephistopheles meets the EULA...
Makes me think that any of those "make a pact with the devil" type stories could have been easily solved with an EULA...remind me to carry one in my wallet...just in case...
It's surprising how years later, I can still watch a Matrix spoof and be entertained. Who would have guessed? So what would have happened if the Matrix ran on Windows? Screw that, I wouldn't want a USB device driver somewhere in my head to run the USB port...
Hope everyone had a great weekend and is having a good day!
fucking eula's. you have no rights! rights you thought you had you no longer have! You didn't buy this product you're just borrowing it from us! =bullshit.
I always wondered what the matrix ran on. i'd hope that it's actually some sort of open robot source linux. can you imagine how many crops of humans would have to be flushed down the mega toilet/cemetery if it ran on windows!? if robots went with windows i think they'd be taken back over by humans again pretty quickly. is that why we still use it? to keep the robot overlords controllable/breakable?
wow, your logic is astounding...using windows in order to thwart any attempt at a large scale robot uprising...maybe I SHOULD convert to Vista, it's like voting for Obama! We need to avoid those robot terrorists.
What if windows includes an anti-robot uprising EULA? Would thay have ot conform?
funny video, I like the paper clip appearance.
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