Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Now available to sign autographs...

I'm famous!! Sort of.. maybe. So they managed to not put my name on the cover and screwed up our page numbering, but our home appliance price elasticity paper finally made its way into the public domain. (Check a couple pages in and my name is on it) I guess I'll take what I can get. Or bitch at the publications department later, we'll see.

(Sure they're flashy, but do they use 485 kWh/year or less?)

the thing and some stuff

Two things fairly unrelated to anything else...

1) It's not a wing-a-ling dragon or a ten-tailed dragon, but it is a dragon... Is he going to eat San Francisco? Is he trying to keep it warm? This may be one of those mysteries we'll never solve.

2) My squiddy rides an uber elephant, yay! It's all armored and purple, double yay!

PS - The Platypus Brigade bank now has two tabs. The first one is gear, recipes, reagents, potion/scroll type stuff, and Shattrath faction thingies. The second one is crafting stuff. Feel free to eat the food, use the cloth or leather, etc. If you want a blue item, ask around and make sure no one has a claim on it (Teldra has already peed on the Soulkeeper staff so no touchy). Taking and soulbinding of things you aren't going to use and other general foolness will probably be punished through ridicule and changing your title from Platytroop to Dingleberry or Asshat.

PPS - Dirty Little Secret now sports a purple and black tabard with the horde insignia. It's awesome hehe, though I was quite fond of the roadkilled squirrel...

PPPS - Do you think I can turn a bag of frozen peas tied around a knee with a blue soccer sock into a hot new fashion trend? Maybe in Europe? Eew.. maybe not, I think it's getting pea juice on me...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Full Moon in Sagittarius Today, yay or nay?

"Today's intense Full Moon in your sign can dredge up emotional material you thought was already put to rest. Nevertheless, the subconscious mind has an agenda of its own and it doesn't conform to your sense of timing. Even if you assumed that you were ready to move on, you must look back at past issues as if they are happening once again in the present moment."
Today's Sag horoscope from

Here's my take based on the article from an article in the Mountain Astrologer and some other sites I've read. Essentially, with a full moon in Sagittarius one is inclined to take more risks, to question the status quo, to feel a little more passionate about what it means (and how we exist) as individuals in society. This particular full moon has aspects which indicate a more widespread focus on the "old ways" of doing things and how those old habits have brought us where we are. From how citizens look at the government to how you feel about your daily life.

On another level, this full moon comes right when Mercury is transitioning out of retrograde (yay! I think) and provides the energy necessary for utilizing knowledge gained from the lessons learned in the last few weeks (with mercury retrograde we were forced to focus on all that we have created for ourselves with our actions and extract lessons about life and people from them, we were forced to slow down in the part of our lives that deal with communicating with people and things).

Mountain Astrologer article on Full Moon in Sagittarius

And from Susan Miller's AstrologyZone:
"On top of all this, one close partner or expert you have hired is likely to make you ready to throttle him or her at the full moon in Sagittarius on June 18. Prepare for a trying time. The partner in question may be a business associate or a romantic partner, but it looks more likely to be the former. If you become upset (almost certain if your birthday falls near December 20), you will express your feelings quite vocally. Who would blame you?"

The above warning stems more or less from a more thorough reading of the moons affects within the context of the Sag sun sign on a applies specifically to Sagittarius and takes into account the houses and other planets (particularly the fact that this month is a big month as far as partnerships are concerned, for us sagittarians). Sorry other signs, you can visit and read your months horoscope from Susan Miller and see what she says.

Quote of Yesterday (or the day before, or whenever)

(Larry is crapping himself because he has 6 reports due 2-5 days ago and most of them still aren't done)

Me: "I don't see why we couldn't at least have a rough draft done by the end of the day tomorrow."
Larry: "Really?!"
Me: /shrug
Larry: "Will you marry me?"
Me: "Uh..."
Larry: "I guess not. I heard you were marrying some other guy."
Me: "Yeah, that could be problematic on several levels."
Larry: "You don't think we can finish the report?... Oh you mean because I'm already married. See that's why I need you to marry me; you're so practical."

/sigh My job is ridiculous...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Meet the Sniper

"One is a job and the other is mental sickness."
"Dad. Dad. Put Mom on the phone."

Download day has arrived!

In another signaling of the "end of times" as foretold by the great white def moose (too lazy to fish a link to the great white moose post) today is Download day. So go on over to the firefox site and get your firefox3!

And just remember, your download can potentially feed hundreds of RAM blocks one free electron a piece! That's enough to keep the RAM block satisfied until restart! Amazing!

UPDATE - 5:46pm

Seems that Lifehacker has created a little list of quick and dirty tweaks for the "firefox 3 poweruser".

The End is Near: Dreamlords

I fear our lives are in danger. Yes this post is a red threat. No nudity, no disturbing images, but it is a danger to your well being. Most of the cup have a shady internet past. Few escaped the clutches of Kings of Chaos. I believe I was one of the first to shout "No More! I will not take part in another age! I want my life back!" They were dark times, when we would wake up extra early just to spend our money before we got hit mid-morning. When we would mercilessly search for an unsuspecting victim or somebody's extra-account-cash-cow. Hitting refresh on our KoC page we kept minimized every 15 minutes. Sometimes we'd hit refresh every 10.

This is why I feel a strong hesitation as I type. I worry what kind of damage this one post can do. But only time will tell. It's just after 2:00am and I just got finished playing Dreamlords: The Reawakening. I say finished, but I don't really mean finished. I've got workers in buildings right now creating and training and growing my empire. Every twenty minutes a non-believer is being converted towards my cause. I'll give him housing and put him to work. In the morning when I wake up I'll probably have 24 more just like him ready to create, mend, or die for me. This is Kings of Chaos on steriods filled with with msg. This is not a healthy thing to consume. It's a MMO-RPG-RTS with a 3D game client and a web-based management system. That's right, you can play in places you're not supposed to. You can start playing before you even download the game client. And as far as I can tell it's free to play.

Some of you might make it. You can tell others to run far away and hide. I fear I may already be lost. Right now I just hired another worker to my Training Ground and was excited to find my expedition size increased by about 2.53. I fear dark times ahead.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cyrusse sux @ teh interschnitzel

Um, yeah... this may be one of those cart before the dead horse things... But someday it will grow up to be a website!