Thursday, March 20, 2008

Poor Heavy =(

Cute furry thing of the day =)

Today's cute furry thing is the good old platypus, yay! Along with having a brigade and being cute, furry and ridiculous looking, the platypus is one of only 5 species of egg laying mammals. The males have poisoned barbs on their legs with venom that can cause severe pain to humans, so as long as I know it's a female, I'd hug one.

What is this picture? Is this a man or a woman? It's Final Fantasy!

I didn't care that much about their other vid IM IN UR MANGER KILLING UR SAVIOR but this one I thought was pretty funny.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Just ten minutes in the late August heat has already melted my mind into a bubbling tar pit, so I’m only marginally paying attention to the goings on around me, but the deep grumble, as familiar as the growling of my own stomach, and the warm waft of diesel fumes tells me that a bus has arrived. I don’t bother to check what bus, any bus will serve my purpose, and climb up the steps, stumbling over the top one as I always do if I’m not concentrating on my feet. It must be a fraction of an inch higher than the other steps, or so I tell myself. The driver chuckles and says, “Careful there,” as I pour a rushing flood of change into the slot beside him and ask for a transfer pass.

Determined not to trip again as the bus bulldozes out into traffic, I cling to the handrail, unthinkably slick with the city’s summer sweat, and swing myself onto the far end of the first bench seat, cringing as the cold plastic collides with the backs of my legs. Across from me, against a backdrop of streaming buildings and quasi-stationary cars, is the only other passenger, an old woman with wispy white hair and indeterminate blotchy tan skin, the universal embodiment of “elder.”

I smile at her a bit, one of those twitch of the mouth corner smiles that always attaches itself to my face when I’m suddenly launched into close proximity with a stranger. The bus driver received not so dissimilar a smile only a moment ago. At first her mouth seems to flicker a bit in response, but then I connect the heavy black glasses and shaky hand grasping a red tipped white cane, and decide it was my imagination. If her hand shakes, why wouldn’t her smile shake as well?

(continued in the comments, so it doesn't take over the entire blog...)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Birds still fly

Here is a very serious poem that I have been needing to get off of my mind. I feel in my heart that it is not finished yet. I have just barely got the first draft out over the course of the last couple of hours. Its just not enough time for a poem this important to me. As I write I have to struggle to not lose my composure. Im writing in serious reflection of the ones Ive lost on this journey of mine. People that can not be replaced, and that for the time being, just can not be a part of my life. It saddens me sometimes to know that I can not save them, I can not keep them safe, I can not reassure them that everything is indeed exactly where it belongs. Although I am doing fantastic, as of late I have been thinking of those around me who just arent. I refuse to let anyone or anything slow me down, or detract from my progress, and mission, to save the world. hehe. still, I can take a moment, an evening, to reflect on those of my brothers and sisters who are exactly where they need to be, but for some reason, that means they can not be anywhere near me. I love them and miss them dearly. I am sure we will meet up in the end. Perhaps thats the part of this poem thats still missing. For now I really appreciate anyone who takes a gander at this rough draft. Its causing me so much thought and energy as of the last few days, I just really need to get it out there and into reality for others to see. Thanks for the consideration cant wait to see everyone in 2 days!

This is for the other side
And the love we are denied
Lord knows how hard we have tried
Still refuse to start new

Although I have left that path
This life is the aftermath
I remember being sad
So lonely and confused

Got me where I am today
Birds still fly in skies of blue
I will always be the same
So far away from you

Brothers from beyond this time
So alike we shared one mind
But you chose the other side
Easier to run and hide
Now you live so you can die
So reckless and confused

We would laugh and cry each day
Smoking Satan in a daze
When she beckoned we obeyed
Color lacking world of grey
Will this stop? Is what wed say
It was so hard to choose

Got me where I am today
Birds still fly in skies of blue
I will always praise your name
So far away from you

Lovers from before this life
I knew you could be my wife
The first love; the purest high
Still captured for all of time!
Still remember how you cried
So gentle and abused

Why cant it remain this way?
I would beg, and plead, and prey
You were never meant to stay
Darkness led you far away
What was lost could not be saved
To gain we all must lose

Got me where I am today
Birds still fly in skies of blue
I will never feel that way
So far away from you

3 degrees from Chiku-Squeek-Squeek

Squirrel Facebook.
No I'm not kidding, not quite.
Some ground squirrel researcher created a Facebook-type network to keep track of interactions between members of a 65-squirrel colony and to trace any hidden social patterns. He found that most squirrels were fairly social and could be connected to several others, with a few key individuals connected to up to 20 and a couple loner squirrels with only one friend (poor squirrels). His conclusion that "removal" of the key individuals could mitigate the spread of disease sort of bothers me... Oh noes, an epidemic. Better send the snipers after the popular people... Anyway, the best part is I didn't even have to make this quality picture:

Squee-Chirp just wrote "Ur nutz r sux" on your wall...

If we ever play D&D again...

Man, this is just freakking cool.

I came across this article, which features small snippets of info on 13 of the best electronic versions of D&D.

From a gamers standpoint they all seem cool. But one particular entry caught my eye.

The table top projection setup.

These guys essentially set up a projector on the roof. The DM then uses a laptop to control the map layout. As the players explore the dungeon the map gets exposed and different layers are used to convey spell and item info.

It's just pretty f$cking cool.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Cute furry (?) thing of the day =)

So... I guess it's more feathered than furry, but it's soft and petable and cute, so I'm still calling it furry.
This is a whiskered auklet. It's nocturnal and lives on rocky islands in the north Pacific. Scientists have recently shown that they use their whisker feathers like cat whiskers to navigate their rocky burrows in the dark.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

This will always be true


In response to Lorigga's desire for edited version of This will always be true!!! BUM BUM BUM! Check it out and please tell me if its better or worse, thats real important to me because I dont frequently edit my work and Id like to know how I did. Enjoy.

All the planets align
It’s the Master design
To expand all our minds
If you seek you will find
This is our special time
Learn the reason for rhyme
Be yourself at your prime
Gods the mountain you climb
Each step close to divine
Like the sun always shine
Feel this brilliance of mine
Helps you see when your blind
There is only one crime
If you don’t even try
Try to jump and you’ll fly
We are light; we can’t die
I was told in a dream
Share the things you believe
Old words told by the stream
Give them up to receive
It’s the least I can do
There’s no me without you
Like the sky being blue
This will always be true

The original is still included here please remember the original was written in under 5 minutes.

All the planets aligned
That’s how they were designed
To expand all our minds
If you search you will find
This is our special time
Learn the reason for rhyme
Be yourself at your prime
Gods the mountain you climb
Each step close to divine
Like the sun always shine
Feel this brilliance of mine
Helps you see when your blind
It’s the least I can do
There’s no me without you
Like the sky being blue
This will always be true