No I'm not kidding, not quite.
Some ground squirrel researcher created a Facebook-type network to keep track of interactions between members of a 65-squirrel colony and to trace any hidden social patterns. He found that most squirrels were fairly social and could be connected to several others, with a few key individuals connected to up to 20 and a couple loner squirrels with only one friend (poor squirrels). His conclusion that "removal" of the key individuals could mitigate the spread of disease sort of bothers me... Oh noes, an epidemic. Better send the snipers after the popular people... Anyway, the best part is I didn't even have to make this quality picture:
I so want to add lava lamp to my friends list in facebook.
LOL, prevent disease by taking out popular people. I wonder what the abstract for this research looks like.
wow, you know what, it's actually worse than "kill off the popular people," it's "kill off the community leaders"...
poor ground squirrels, I hope he doesn't test that hypothesis...
How the F do you computer simulate squirrel social patterns to see that killing off the leaders will segment the population?
I'd like to know what software HE'S USING.
And you're right. Kill off the community leaders. Wait. Why was that important? "Disease control"? What about the idea that diseases are introduced by the socially isolated and depressed squirrels? Why not model how to bring about squirrel unity?
what a dick.
/slap What
Where the heck has What been anyways? Are you trolling?
please excuse my increased aggressiveness these last few days. I've got Mars square Mars which in astro-speak means "You're kind of being aggressive and need to check yourself."
It should pass soon.
that time of the month/year/big long planetary cycle thingy eh? hehe
I just talked to What on g-chat while I was avoiding doing work this morning. He's got too much school crap, is failing english again (not that one english, a different one now), doesn't have a girlfriend, and is more or less cranky. He's always kind of cranky though... On a good(?) note, he chased a possom recently. Yeah... that's all I know. You might not want to slap him right now. He might bite your hand. Pointy teeth meant for biting and all...
first of all its an opossum... and second of all I wish this is what he looked like
Other than that the statements above seem correct... Personal appearances will be made soon
why do you wish that is what he looked like? and where have you been lurking?
Lorigga is on his period! EEWWWWW!
Uhem, we all get planetary periods, so you should check your crotch.
Where has What been lurking?
And something I've always wanted to say:
What would What do?
And why were you chasing an opossum? Are you trying for a frat?
Wouldn't I need to check the planets to see if my mars is gushing? LOL!
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