Hey guys, I'm totally tripping balls.
Let me explain.
Last week, my knee started feeling wonky, I know it's from the heavy working out I did the week before. I think I reached that point where working out became more of an escape for a week than simply for exercise. Then, this last weekend my knee really didn't like me helping my sis move. Compound that to the fact that I partied HARD friday and saturday...well, monday I woke up with a sore throat.
What's interesting is that last week, when my knee was kind of so-so, I instinctual knew my body was asking for a break. I didn't listen. Now with my throat, well I know for a fact it wants a break. I also know, if I were to continue pushing myself, my body would find another way to tell me to chill the fuck out.
So now I've popped two day quills and am getting ready to enjoy the show =) Dayquil is my favorite part about soar throats...well, runny nose/soar throats.
On an unrelated note I have an interesting experience I wanted to share and get people opinions on.
Last night I went to sleep close to 2:00am. I started dreaming I was at a little gathering, like a little party. I don't remember much, but at one point I find myself sitting on a couch while all these people are looking for their shoes. Soon they realize I'm sitting on their shoes and they start to confront me. One person in particular starts grabbing the shoes from under me (I'm sitting on them and didn't feel it) while shaking me.
This is where I wake up only to still feel like I'm being shaken. The best way to describe what I see is a vaporous form hovering over me. This could have easily been some weird neurological disconnect. My hearing was also affected, the noises I heard reminded me of poltergeist type movies where a voice is trying to speak from beyond. Making high to low fluctuations that are essentially inaudible. My voice was also kind of stuttering. It felt like those times when you wake up and your mind is completely active but your body is in-responsive. I had to mentally fight for control of my body...
Like I said, easily, this could have been some weird neurological disconnect to which I'd be somewhat worried if it happens again. But those weren't my thoughts during the incident. My first thoughts were that this was a consciousness. I got the distinct feeling of aggression from it. I honestly felt as though I was being assaulted. I had the chills for a long time after the incident. Funny enough though, I wasn't scared. I was more like WTF. And was just happy that I'm spiritually grounded enough to know if it is an entity, it poses no threat to me.
I had a lot of odd dreams after that as well. I can't recall them...but that experience is now deeply embedded in my mind.
So what do you all think? Any of you had similar experiences?