Saturday, February 9, 2008
Saul WIlliams Tix. Buy Them. Now.
So I bought tix last Sunday for me and Syd to see Saul Williams at Slim's in SF. Not sure who else would be down, but everyone who can should join us. The show is in March on the 21st, which is a Friday. Through slims they only end up being $22 and that includes their charge. Buy tix here.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Colbert, O'brien, & Stewart duke it out!
While talking to Def today, the great O'brien, Colbert, & Stewart feud came up. I forget the details of each host's logic but essentially O'brien was the doctor who delivered Colbert and Stewart, there's a pic! And apparently through the transitive property a vote for Huckabee is a vote for Colbert...or something like that, I get confused.
Funny stuff, well worth the time. Enjoy!
Be prepared for your next submarine crash...
For those of you planning to operate/travel in a submarine (I know What had some ambitions at one point), you might want to check out the British Navy's Submarine Escape Training Tank. Learn to transfer from your mangled sub to a rescue boat, or even swim to the surface. I'm pretty terrified of water, but this sounds awesome. I stumbled across this via some article about using goats to do some sort of decompression sickness tests, also pretty strange and interesting. Poor goats.
Cute furry thing of the day =)
This is the common dwarf mongoose. It lives in Africa and is cute and fluffy. Yay! (this one looks marginally disgruntled) It eats bugs and lizards and rodents and fruit, and has apparently developed a symbioticish relationship with hornbills, foraging together and warning each other about predators.
Not quite as cute, but much more kick-ass, this is the small Asian mongoose. As far as I can tell, this is the guy that eats snakes and such. The wikipedia picture of this guy is totally scary. If I was a cobra I'd probably run, or slither, or whatever.
Not quite as cute, but much more kick-ass, this is the small Asian mongoose. As far as I can tell, this is the guy that eats snakes and such. The wikipedia picture of this guy is totally scary. If I was a cobra I'd probably run, or slither, or whatever.
So yeah. Common dwarf mongoose: definitely petable (not to be confused with potable). Small Asian mongoose: not so sure, probably if it looks like this one above, probably not if it looks like the wikipedia one, might lose soul.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Adventures in Mordor...
Look look! I bought a tent. Hehe. Um.. supposedly you can fit 4 people in it, but I imagine that's only if they're my size and have no need for personal space, but I do think it should fit 3 no problem (it's about 8ftx7ft, I think). So that means I now have enough tentage for 5, whether we need it or not. I also ordered some backpacking food, so we won't be starving and naked and alone up above Nevada, (not starving... check, not alone... check, ... hopefully not naked...) I need to get trail permits on Feb 23rd (for the nights of Aug 9-11). At the moment I think I'm getting them for 5 based on the other Mordor post, so let me know if you don't want one (I think it ends up being $5 per person per night).
My new favorite blog, ZenHabits
Over the last month or so I've added a new blog to my morning blogosphere checkup. It's called ZenHabits and if anything, provides good motivation for maintaining a healthy mind through this hectic life.
As an example, here's an article on trying to remain present. Interesting enough, you read this stuff and think, well I knew that. What's new here? Well, nothing. But KNOWING how to remain present, and ACTUALLY remaining present are two very different things. Personally, I struggle on a daily basis to remain present so this article was a very pleasant reminder on it's importance.
And now back to flow...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Cute furry thing of the day =)
Today's cute furry thing is Mustela erminea, the short tailed weasel, or stoat, or ermine. Along with having too many names, this little guy is primarily nocturnal, and in areas that get snowy, it turns white except for the black tip of its tail in the winter. They eat bugs, rodents, and amphibians, and can be up to 30 cm long from snout to tail. And it has sharp teeth meant for biting. I'd pet it if I was sure it didn't have rabies.
Aww how cute. He's eating lunch. Hehe.
Aww how cute. He's eating lunch. Hehe.
Is this the monkey you were talking about?
The only mohawk monkey I could find is this guy, and the article about it is from 2006, saying that it is the first new monkey genus discovered in 83 years. So your monkey was cool, 2 years ago. I still like the weird snout guy better. I can't find a good picture of the mohawk. So sad.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
For the Horde!
For the Horde baby! I just got paid. I got class tonight :( and I want to start off the right way so Im staying all the way til the end. That means I wont be home til about 9:30 p.m.
Still could be enough time for a few BG rounds! hit me up! Ill throw up Skype when I come back. Wish me luck on my first day (I feel like Im back in 9th grade).
Monday, February 4, 2008
America baby (flip side)
Empty still hands with palms facing the sky
With love in our hearts we always have hope
While in meditation we see past the lie
The peace we seek lies within not in dope
We believe in the ancient ways to fly
We soar with wings white as ivory soap
Listen close to hear the Native war cry!
Each bird we hear sing is God saying high
The ancient ones knew this without the Pope
The Natives knew that they would never die
Infinity in light; with Time elope!
Cute furry thing of the day =)
This is the Rhynochocyon udzungwensis, a type of giant elephant shrew, a crazy-snouted, cat-sized critter that was recently discovered in Tanzania. It's not actually a shrew, and is most closely related to elephants, sea cows, aardvarks and hyraxes. It's fur is pretty, but the snout just freaks me out.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
America baby
Fists filled with torn bloody dollars raised to the sky
No love in our hearts so we dare not to have hope
We were taught to believe that the truth was a lie
When it gets too intense we’ll just run and smoke dope
With the weight of their dirt on our wings we can’t fly
This type of thick filth shall not be cleansed with just soap
It’s so cold here we can’t remember how to cry
We gave up on our true selves so we could stay high
The next desire prevents the end of a rope
Once we’ve realized we can’t win this game we just die
We embrace the darkness and with death we elope.
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