Friday, December 7, 2007

Ode to the Platypus Brigade!

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When I was young I met a man named Lorigga
How old he was nobody could figure
You may have heard told
Of Goliath the bold
But in my eye Lorrigga is bigger

Lorigga introduced me to Defmoose
He was happy and free like a young goose
He was world renown
For his gentle kind soul
But in traffic the obscenities were flung loose

Defmoose introduced me to Cyrusse
Her wisdom as ancient as the Osirus
She became my sensei
In all manner of war play
And her deeds will be recorded on papyrus

Cyrusse brought me to SpontaneousWhat.
An appropriate name for that crazy nut
He used to be Detujon
But he told me that John is gone
The marmots got him first “those damn sluts!”

The 5 of us were feared and admired
For our prowess and our inner fires
Of games of skill we never tired
Fantasy worlds would continue to inspire
5 even stronger than those of the Shire
They are all 2nd best until we retire!

Truly Nothing is Sacred with Capitalism

Read this on Crooks and Liars a week or so ago, but I didn't want to post until I had a good image to go with. Hooray for crappy photoshop skills. Boo for capitalism.

According to this Logic (stupid American)....

...we're all terrorists. or some of you have been lying to me. hehe.

Greeting from the great thumbed one

Hello, my name is Edward and sometimes I lick my own ass... What? Oh, wrong place. Nevermind. Sorry. Anyway, I'm here to share my exciting and introspective outlook on the world with you. I enjoy sleeping, and eating, and sleeping more, and eating more, and maiming insects but not eating them, sniffing things, and fighting with the bathroom rug. Sometimes when I'm bored I like to fuck with the other furry gray thing that lives downstairs. It hops and growls a lot. I'm not really sure what it is, but it might be food. My other hobbies include climbing on the boy one when it's trying to use the computer, scratching the orange chair when the girl one isn't looking, running up and down the stairs, and being thrown. Sometimes I escape out the back door and hide by the deck until someone comes and saves me. That's all for now. I only got 15 hours of sleep so far today, so I'd better go rest. And besides, my thumbs are tired from all this typing. Is it time for dinner yet? No? How about now?

Still Alive

Click this link. Watch the video. Enjoy the most wonderful song we all know and love. =D

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Friends don't use friends as meat shields... okay, only sometimes...

Today there was a craft fair in the cafeteria at work. My friend Lisa and I didn't want to work, so we went to check it out. The only cool things were some really expensive glass coasters that neither of us could justify buying. On the way back to our building we saw the local wild turkey herd (or at least 30 or so of them). One of the turkeys had gotten separated from the herd and was getting chased down the street by a van making some really pathetic noises. So we were saying "haha silly turkey, look at it run."

Then we look up, and there's another turkey about 30 feet up flying straight at us, and I'm like "Whoa, crap, another one" and Lisa screams and grabs my arm and hides behind me. And the turkey was getting bigger and lower and still coming right for us, and Lisa starts shuffling off to the side still using me as a shield. I had just about decided that I was going to whack the turkey with my umbrella when it finally veered off to the side a little, landed a couple feet away from us and waddled off down the street. At least Lisa believes me that they fly now.

So yes, today I was a meat shield.

hehe "they're coming right for us" *bang*

Edward joins the blog

And now for something completely different

I would normally just add this to my last post, but thought posting this separate would help to more effectively transition from heavy to light.

Remember, I lied about the last TF2 post...this video pretty much shows all the griefing tactics some people use in TF2. I had only heard of these until this point. Enjoy!

Ch, Ch, Ch,Ch, Changes

Well, it is done. I dropped Vicki off at the airport yesterday at around noon. We said goodbye and are now in the process of changing our relationship from deep, intense, and intimate, to one of caring, loving, friends.

These last couple of day (well, months, honestly) have been a time of deep reflection, analysis, pain, happiness, and contemplation.

It's been emotionally taxing at best. To "throw it all out there" would be to create a twisted, thought-flow of a post which would make any one of Steves posts looks like a footnote (speaking in size strictly...not really in meaning...). So I'd like to just sum up conclusions I've drawn from my experiences.

I'm a different person. I'm essentially more confident and capable of engaging in conflict when necessary. I honk when I drive, I can look people straight in the eye regardless of circumstance, I'll stand up and clap for a performance I've enjoyed regardless of the crowds response.

Living with Vicki wasn't the sole source of my changes either. My knee started grinding and forced me to consistently work out and ultimately showed me the necessity of living in my body, blocking thoughts while working out and really existing in a grounded space. I've been living a "meaningful" life. One in which I try to distill the messages constantly being communicated to me from the universe via my day to day experiences.

Steve's emotional turbulence couldn't have come at a better time. Over the last few days one of my consistent fears has been the desire to NOT return to my emotionally erratic state in junior high and high school. I can deeply relate to Steve's intense desire for a relationship as well as the emotional backlash from rejection. Granted, his experiences are quite different from my own but there's a lot there for me to relate to.

For example, over the summer I went home and looked at some of my old drawing. They disturbed me. So much so that I decided to leave them there for now, I didn't want to bring them here for occasional glancing. One in particular depicts a large 12-14 year old boy biting the head off of a much smaller fragile peer. The large boy's eyes stare up at the observer with a fierce intensity, a rage at the world. I couldn't believe I was capable of conveying such emotions at such a young age.

Steve's posts took me back to that head space. Reminded me of my troubled times growing up and being single, and helped me see that I am finally over it. I used to think I had a creative tap into Darkness.

When I would draw, I could bring forth images ugly grotesque monstrosities. As I was drawing I would literally visualize pulling material from a dark hole in my soul.

Like Steve, I wouldn't necessarily feel better after making those drawings. Sometimes they would be therapeutic. And more recently I've been able to let out emotions through art. But there is a creative place which for me which is just dark and makes for excellent drawing, but only drains me.

And now, after much introspection, I've seen that things will be different. So much more different. A couple of months ago when I first told you guys Vicki and I were splitting, I expressed my fear of returning to my old self to Steve. Steve's got a great intuition and his response (although he wasn't sure why he was saying it) was that he felt, in his gut, that I probably wouldn't go back. Thanks for that.

He was right and I feel it.

Every interaction with each of you over these last couple of months, every post on this blog, every random lunch meeting, every late night chill session has been pivotal in helping me understand my changes as well as provide excitement for the future.

I now view all my personal relationships as plants that need to be tended and nurtured. People are important. And any that I meet hold meaning to me. Technology really makes it easier to maintain relationships with people. For you guys, we have this blog. For all my acquaintances from Cal I have facebook. Friends and family, thats where I hope to project my energies as we move along. It's in my chart. My rising sign is Cancer, the sign of the chef and family man. It represents the traits I need to adopt and express. I've known that in an intellectual way for years...but not until now have I experienced gratification from actually living it.

To help express the deep gratitude I have for all your friendships and just how much I value all the sharing. I wanted to contribute what was probably one of the heaviest drawings I've made. Some of you may have seen this drawing although I know I haven't shown it to very many people. It was in the St. Josephs ICU. What else do you have to do when a loved one is lying on a bed, drugged up, in pain, and you want to just be around them. You cry, you whisper to others present, you contemplate. This was a therapy sketch. I had to capture the moment in my own way.

Hey, Dan, want a sandwich?

You know you'd eat it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

FF4 DS Remake Vid

So the day when they finally include the Japanese audio track in an ff game is..... well it's gonna be a bomb ass day. enjoy. =)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

An update/thank you

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Well its Tuesday night and here is a little update for you all. I have been thinking very much about the themes of my dark poems, the experiences that lead to these feelings, the responses that I received, and as usual simply life in general. I have come to many conclusions in a very short amount of time. I attribute that to all the foundations that Ive built up over the last year (especially this summer with Buddhism) and to the wealth of support that I have received from you all.

First to address the bad poems and the ranting. It works! For so long my writing trapped me and I do not recommend to anyone feeling bad to just dive into a pen and pad. Writing does not always make one feel better. I mean if its therapeutic, and it works, you get it out, and you leave it behind than great! Go for it! But for many people, myself included, simply writing something does not make the feelings go away, and sometimes having a physical reminder can be a burden, I mean one can go back and reread the piece many times in one setting, or throughout a short time span so that one constantly rehashes the old emotions and sort of sets in motion the negative feelings all over again. For the last couple of years I had extreme writers block and part of that was because when the poetry I wrote on drugs was so honest and painful that rereading caused me such torture that I sort of vowed never to go there again. Than I found Buddhism. (or perhaps Buddha found me). I learned (or was reminded) that feelings are not permanent, and often times they can be coming from a source that can not be trusted as ones true self. I learned to let emotions run through me and than to let them go. Recently I applied this to writing. What a change it has made! I no longer look at my writings and feel weighed down by them. I finally have the right attitude and perception towards my work that Ive always heard that fortunate writers can develop. Meaning I detach myself from the initial feeling, I dont feel it reflects who I truly am and I what I truly value (deep down inside I dont feel sorry myself and I know that some times melancholy is part of the grand scheme of things that brings about change), and as a result I can put something on paper, and reread it from a more reserved stand point. I dont attach myself to the initial emotion because to do so would be to extreme and intense, I mean I really dont want to constantly be feeling so utterly low every time I go back and reread my sad poems. Without the negative attachment, or the judging involved (rereading old material and than looking down on myself for having self pity) I can cut out the crap and get down to the real important stuff like what lesson can be learned from this, was the initial emotion valid (almost always was) and what can I do with it now. Sometimes I just have to step away completely but in this instance an important lesson can be so clearly seen. Dan talked about power, Lorenzo talked about lies, Sydney talked about going so low so that one can bounce back up and all of these ideas apply and are useful! For me I have a long history of power struggle, my resentment at my lack of control, and I never have been able to step aside. Now that I have poetry back, and more specifically, In the Cup, I can begin to hash out old issues, view them objectively, get feedback from friends, and than decide how I want to go about changing the issue. In this case with women there is no simple answer, but one thing I took out of the experience was the important reminder to not let myself get to caught up in negative moments, and to not be afraid to share those emotions with others if it means that myself or others might be able to benefit from that temporary vulnerability. Its nothing I plan on making a habit of, but with instances as severe as the case was last night (Im sure you could all tell I was about as low as one can be) it feels good to know that a: I have an outlet, and b: that outlet really works! Sorry for being redundant but I just really wanted to reiterate how much I appreciate you all being part of the process, how much it really works, and how with constant meditation, reflection, and humbling of my ego I will eventually not need this type of support because I will eventually (in theory) be able to realize some of these things with a lot less strain (practice makes perfect and the more I go through these lumps right now that I have support, the less Ill need that support in the future as I get even older and my challenges become even more dire). Just really wanted to assure you all that the process really works. I feel sooo much better! I am not out of the woods yet. I am very worn, my brain literally hurts (or top of head has blood rushing through, not sure which is which) and I feel heavy from all the thinking, but in no way shape or form do I feel that intense sadness that I felt just last night. Writing it down, reading it, getting the feedback, reading it again, it felt like I had really distanced myself from those feelings, even though it was just last night, rereading it felt more like picking up a piece that I had wrote years ago and looking at it be musingly, not like revisiting a current problem. It was great! Part of that has nothing to do with In the Cup and has everything to do with how fortunate I am to have such strong methods to tap into the inner divine, or the Creator. Example. All last night I had nightmares. I kept dreaming that I was doing something over and over and over and over. This is morbid. I dont even remember what I was doing but I knew I couldnt stop myself, when the dream restarted I would repeat the same motions, and I knew it was hell. I woke up feeling like "wow, thank God Im not in hell". So already the day seemed better than the previous night, I had this appreciation for the still of the reality, of the calm of my room, and the reality that I could still fix everything. In the dream I felt so helpless but the reality was so different, so much control was exerted back to me, I was relieved, and already the day began on a different note. I took a shower and got out of bed and right when I open my door 2 crows come flying towards me cawing in their loudest shrill caw. They landed on a tree on my front yard that had little space for them to perch on. It was as if they had come just to say hi. Already I smiled and felt the sign from up above. They were watching me. Everything was going to be fine. The higher powers had their eyes on me and would not allow me to further digress. At least thats the feeling I felt. Im so fortunate to have connections like that. Than my brother surgery went off fantastic and I was so relieved to know its over, the procedure is done, the scary part is behind us and now Sean just has to rest and heal. I trust hell make a full recovery shortly. Before that news I went to turn in my paper work to be a special ed t.a. and everything went smoothly. Im about one step away from being put on the eligibility list, the final step is an evaluation by my current school and I have no doubt it will be favorable. So in the social world my life was moving forward, on the family tip my life was moving forward. Than came friends. I went over my friend Gary's house and found out he is not going back to jail! I was thrilled. We thought he may be going back in and I was sad because it was just over possession of marijuana but when your own probation thats all it takes. It seems the cops never turned in the ticket so bickety bam hes still a free man. Hes a great guy, he deserves a break, hes not stealing or dealing, just smoking weed, so it felt great that for once the man forgot about Gary (he always seems to have just the opposite luck). Than my thoughts returned back to my lack of love life. I couldnt help but feel cool with it all. Im still dissapointed and frustrated but the reality of the situation had sunk in, which is that I was overreacting and honestly I dont really want to be in a relationship right now anyways because Im having such a great time focusing on myself and building my foundations for the rest of my life. Its an exciting time period and Im not quite sure how a girl would fit in to that (not friends of course Syd). I guess I just want it all. Thats not how it works and I know that. So its not exactly a great deal, but its a good one, good friends, good family, good material life, good crows, good faith, good shit! Its all good. I have a feeling that in about 1 week its going to be great! I cant wait to see everyone. I dont think I heard yay or nay about if Dan could make it down but it is 350 miles so whatever happens dont trip, I will be coming to the bay as soon as I am able. I just have to use my car in San Francisco! No matter what I am feeling everyones good sentiments and I feel honored to have such great friends. Take care everyone and if your feeling just the slightest bit happy right now appreciate it fully because the emotion is so precious. If your not feeling so happy let it out as Lorenzo said, everything is always moving, the moment is constantly being renewed and if your patient the moment often turns from painful to blissful and the faster your willing to let go of the one emotion the faster the other can return to the forefront of your perception. Don Juan (my favorite shaman) once said , "all paths lead to nowhere, so I choose the path of heart, because thats the path thats most fulfilling to me". I feel honored that our paths cross over into each others so that we can be allowed the opportunity to share that fulfillment with each other. Peace!

The season of leaf prints

Speaking about shitting in cups...

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What I learned today: Fun and learning with the U.S. Census and meat by-products!

Today I learned that there is a Census category for manufacturers of "meat processed from carcasses." This industry includes about 1000 companies and 100000 employees. I discovered this while I was looking for the slightly less interesting industrial equipment manufacturing sector. Runner up for weirdness is probably the "rendering and meat byproduct processing" sector. Makes me feel much less weird about describing my job as a data monkey. "What do you do for a living?" "I'm just your friendly neighborhood meat from carcass processor."
Here's the full list of industries for your bored / morbid exploration. I think we should have a "toilet preparation manufacturing" appreciation day. I mean, really, otherwise we'd have to shit in the cup, and we all know how it turns out from there.

...because posting random bullshit after poetry just feels wrong...

A fucked up poem

Heres a little bit of whats going in my head right about now. And I swear guys, no more posting stupid sad shit after this. Not for a while. I hate to bring down the mood of the cup when it seems very happy and light as of late. I really enjoy the pictures, videos, jokes, and I dont want to be the one asshole to fuck that up. Dont expect this to be my norm, I promise I will get out of this funk and I will post much lighter and funnier random posts about Marmots and Dans soul and Shit in Cups and Stinky cheese and Xmas with lollipops and gum drops! But just for tonight, my head is so fucked right now, please allow me one last fuck the world post and I promise Ill keep it bottled in like I usually do. I do not wish to burden yall at all. If I didnt think that this may in some way cause me some healing I wouldnt share it with yall. Thanks so much for all the love and support.

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Put the gun in my mouth again and taste the cold familiar steel
I love the feeling that runs through my body when I put my finger on the trigger
A ripple of ecstasy runs across my skin from head to toe producing the most marvelous goose bumps

Ahhh now that’s a fuzzy feeling I know only to well
It’s the feeling of hope
Of potential
Of the possibility that once I pull that trigger I will finally be able to feel again
That for at least one moment before it all fades away things will be real again
At least it can’t remain as it is
That’s what I tell myself at least
I forget that after the blank out is always the awakening, the rebirth, the inevitable return back to this fucking cold blue rock.

It’s so cold here in this dark remote section of the city
The hard cement of this paved alley is my ally and lover
How many nights have I spent nuzzling up against this pavement?
Wallowing in her frigid embrace searching for solace
The stark hard reality of the street reminds me of my own callous nature
This cement knows me, fucks me, loves me
It’s tasted my blood and tears and yet it still remains faithful
Huddled in a cozy corner of Hell I settle in for a long night
But I know damn well that pretty soon this fucking city won’t even exist anymore
Nothing will
Did it ever?
Does anything exist outside of my own mind?
Did I make it all up?
If so I want to wake the fuck up right now!
Id like another shot at creation please
I fucked up this time
At least when it came to my own story
I would like to rewrite it with a better ending

But for now this will have to do.
I guess it must have been a short story
I never did have the patience to write a novel
Haha, there now, it’s not so hard to laugh with a gun in your mouth
Must be careful though, wouldn’t want to prematurely pull the trigger
No, no, must wait until the perfect moment
I have to get everything out of this experience while I still can
Maximum utility of this moment
Every junkie knows the highest point of the fix is right before the injection
It’s the anticipation and the rush of a coming surge of sweet death
It’s the fucking knowledge that I’m killing myself and no one can do a damn thing about it
Not even God

No, no, must stretch this moment out over an eternity
It may very well be my last, wouldn’t want to spoil it just yet
It’s almost time though
I can hear the birds chirping
Reminding me
“He cometh”
Therefore I must depart
Couldn’t stand to look Him face to face
I don’t know what I’m liable to say
I think Ill take my chances down below, this Light has become far too bright for me to endure any longer
If I stay in its radius much longer it will overtake me and than I will be forced to become the Light in order to exist at all
Like fucking Tetsuo
I can’t remain myself any longer now that I have been exposed to the truth
I’ve been staring at the sun so long I have become blind to any other path
No, no, if I run into the darkness I can remain myself for a bit longer
The Devil told me so
She whispered the truth into my ears every night as I slept
I was promised that I would be able to keep my ego
So long as I returned to her

And here I am
Waiting for her to show up for our date
She’s never late, I’m sure she’s here right now
Waiting, watching, for the perfect moment to collect on my debt
It’s a price that I was willing to pay
Countless nights I kissed death and lived to tell the tale
I knew this final evening would come eventually
I chose to ignore it but I knew there was no escape from this ending
I’m fucking Hamlet and the final act is approaching, nothing left to do but play out my role and watch the curtain fall
Don’t worry Satan I promise not to disappoint
I won’t leave you waiting for much longer
Just give me this one moment, let it stretch out across eternity like the rays of light streaming from the distant stars that I am gazing up at

As I begin to apply the slightest pressure to the trigger there is no fear
There is no doubt, there is no faith
All that is left is a choice, a choice that I made long before I put the gun into my mouth
I’ve already made my decision
I love you all but its better this way
Funny how now that my brain is sprayed out against the graffiti laced wall behind me everything starts to make so much more sense
If only they could all see
Such a beautiful night after all

Monday, December 3, 2007

WTF?/a short rant

WTF? WTF? You guys are posting the craziest most sexually latent material that in the cup has produced. And all I have to say to that is WTF?

I am sooooo fuuuuuuucking pissed right now. Beyond belief pissed. I swear to God on all that is holy if I thought this life was just about finding a partner I would fucking put a bullet in my skull right now. I swear to God if I thought life was just about finding a partner I would fucking shoot sooo much dope into my veins right fucking now, than I would borrow a fucking gun from a friend, and Id fucking kill myself! Because as far as that mission goes Im fuuuuuucked! Im fuuucked! I can never ever get a break. Why cant any fuuuucking girl ever be as genuine as me? I mean this last one, she was honest and all, but the way she blew me off was fucking shady and unpredicted, and now she has a boyfriend? I mean fuck we were like dating just weeks ago. Or I guess not......FUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!! She didnt exactly lead me on, she didnt exactly portray herself to be available, but her reasons for not getting serious were because she didnt want to be "in a relationship" yet now she is in one. So even shes a fucking liar! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I bring it on myself. I dont even know why I try. Why I care. Why I continue to invest emotions when there never ever has been a pay off. I swear to God on everything holy if I thought this world was all about love and happiness Id go run out right now and score some dope and than kill myself. Because Im never going to be happy in a conventional sense. Im never going to get the girl. Its fucking crazy yo! Its fucking crazy how I have to practice what I preach. I preach about Mother Teresa and suffering, and bearing through it all with a fucking grin, carrying the cross ya know? And God gives it to me. He hands it down. He says here you believe that life is about service to others, than fuck you, fuck you Steve, fuck you and your own desires for cheap happiness, fuck you, you fucking be alone, just me and you kid, you fucking be alone you righteous mutha fucker. Thats exactly what God says to me. Every single time, and Im faced with a dilemma. Faithless and pissed, drugged out and ignorant to what I know is the truth, or faith, belief, struggle, and essentially acceptance. Acceptance of the truth that I am always going to be alone and thats just whats meant for me in this life. This life is a big long fucking lesson in "NO YOU CANT HAVE THAT!" What a fucking life. What a fucking lesson. I love it. I fucking love it. Or I never would have chosen this life for myself. Why? Why? I just dont understand what could be gained, accept for that in the end if I remain faithful God will be able to at least say, "There now ya see...........I knew you could still love me even if I kept everything youve ever dreamed of outside of your reach.....even if I surrounded you with Devils and Demons.......even though I through you into a world of fucking still love me......"
What am I trying to prove to myself. I swear to God Id go shoot dope if I thought this was it. If I honestly believed that a relationship was a measure of success, because I dont think that, I feel that there is more to life than just gratifying our personal desires to not feel lonely, for me its about carrying the cross, why the fuck is mine so heavy? Id cry if I had tears left to cry. I swear to God when I found out I literally thought, do I want to cry? I feel sort of that shitty, but do I want to cry? I just didnt have the tears left to cry. Im so over this shit. I couldnt bring myself to cry over what just simply is a pattern that constantly repeats itself over and over, itd be like crying because the moon is out, or because the grass is green, me being alone just simply can I cry when I dont have a heart left to bleed. My heart is so cold. My chest so empty for so long now. The only thing that warms my bones is memories and dreams, but the reality is so fucking cold, my heart just pumps out of routine, not out of love. Its been frozen now for so fucking long. I could give a fuck. I could give a flying fuck. Its just the way it is. Forever. No, I wont go get the gun. I wont go get the dope. Instead Ill just have to settle for the few ways I will allow myself to be hurt. Cigarettes, booze, insomnia, and emptiness. Ill allow the emptiness to take control for a little while. Run a back seat to the darkness for a little while. Put on the mask. Once again. Put on the mask and no one can see me. Theyre not even real ya know? Nothing is. Nothing in this world of gray is real. My dreams are my own solace now. Pray that shes not in them yall. Its all I can hope for now.

oh ya Seans in the hospital again. Hes going to need surgery. He had a 3rd lung collapse. That makes 5 between the 2 of us now. Wow. Life just keeps getting better and better. Hope everyone else is doing much much better than I am right now. Peace.

I Blame this on Lorigga

So, now that we're all thoroughly traumatized. Enjoy boobs.

More rape?

So you all like watching rape? You like animals too? What about kids, ehh? You like them? And how about that Wii?

yeah, this is just for you voyeuristic, animal liking, rape watching pervs out there.

God I feel dirty...look what the eco guys have made me...

*looks in mirror

I hate you, i hate yooouuu...

Bwains... *murloc noises*

Come on, who doesn't want to read an article called "Zombie cockroaches revived by brain shot" ?

Basically, somebody discovered that injecting cockroaches' brains with certain chemicals will unparalyze them after they've been stung by wasps. But they don't think the research can easily be applied to unzombifying humans, so keep the shotty ready.

What I learned today: ??? um...

Today I haven't learned anything interesting, so you get a picture of a camel. I don't know why. It's just a camel kind of day.

PS - I did learn that something pretty wrong pops up when you google for images of camel...

I swear, one of my last TF2 posts...

Some of you may have seen these vids, sorry for spamming the front page.

You just need to watch them. Make sure to click for the "standard definition" option, otherwise a popup opens and you need to DL some extra software. Not worth the hassle and defeats the purpose of embedding these vids in the first place.

The following is essentially an animation feature, detailing some of went behind TF2's stylization:

And in the animation feature spirit of TF2's style, here's an article about it.

Yeah, probably not my last TF2 post...sorry, crossed my fingers on that one.

What Cyrusse should have learned today...

Druids are real...I guess there's nothing to be learned here. I just really wanted to title a post "What Cyrusse should have learned today..."

But seriously, I read about a guy titled "The tree man" in New Scientist. He's turning into a tree...but really just has a sever case of warts...maybe...we're not sure. I think he is a Druid. No. I think hes an alien soul reincarnated into this planet. His soul is just used to expressing itself into a physical tree body, cause where hes from tree bodies are the only bodies. But humanity needs help, so he came, now hes like, "Shit, I'm a tree!".
Here's the video. I would have embedded it, but there was no visibly apparent code.

I may have said too much...


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Good Cop Bad Cop

Ok I know I promised not to post more vids of Will Farrel because there are so many and Im sure we could all just go to the website if we really cared. But cmon its Pearl yall. How could I say no to that face. This is her retirement video so enjoy!

p.s. there are also David Blane parody videos on the site Lorenzo. You must see them! I laughed so hard I started crying. Man this guy has an effect on me. I would have included it but the baby won out over the Blane, still you must check it out!

Its Sunday yall!

Well its Sunday and I just wanted to check in for a second. Today I went hiking way the fuck back in the hills behind my house. It was a lot of fun! Gary was right Ron; he has cleared much of the brush out of the way and much more was cleared back from rain and cold weather. I didnt see nearly half of the amount of bugs that I saw when the three of us went back there. Essentially I chose the worst time of the entire year to take anyone back there and was asking for a negative experience as a result. Gary seriously tripped when I told him we went in August. I still dont know if you would have liked it back there considering all the ropes (you didnt even see the first one...haha) but for me, it was definitely managable and worth returning to. I kept thinking that Dan would have liked it because he was almost ready to squirm up and over the first rope climb and this time around it was so much more doable. No wasps at all! Haha. That place is wild though homie. I wish I had pix but I didnt want to break my Dads camera. Its in my mind so one day with technology youl see. Haha.

I also wanted to let In the text members know that I am still chugging through the book but ya, Im reading five other ones right now so...its a process. I put most of the other ones on hold but I still barely have time. I know Ill be done by the end of the month for sure. Id say that a book for every 2 months is fair (or even longer if yall like!), we can all read one much faster than that, but it allows us enough time to read our own material (which Im sure the 3 of us are pouring into at this very time). If 2 months would be our allotted time Id say Id have until at least January. Please let me know what yall think.

In other news. I got back the official results from my Special Ed test. I passed! I already knew that but it felt good to see it in writing. Now all thats left is going in turning in some more paper work and a final interview that I have absolutely no doubt Ill super ace. Its a good time for me right now. Everything is going just as can be expected. Which is why, no doubt, I am being tested in other regards, but thats just how it goes in my life. Nothing is complete, and yet everything is.......As a sit here and type this, I stretch, yawn, and cant help but feel that everything is exactly where it belongs. Oneness with everything always. Thats what I strive for. Whether I strive for it or not, it just is. Either way, it looks like Ill be making much more money very soon and thats always cool to!

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. Ill be down to play any games today for sure. I sort of disappeared when this weekend started but I had the urge to go out for a change so I jumped on it. It turned out great, I had a great time all weekend, but now its time to hide away. If nothing else Ill just play FFX2 that I just recently began. That game rocks! It fucking rocks! Well, nothing left to report, maybe Ill see someone in a virtual medium by the end of the night, maybe not. Peace!

p.s. The Koala was robbed! I like wombats as much as the next man but cmon people, not cooler than Koala!