Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Painting happy trees with Cyrusse

Something like that anyway. This has been my project over the last day and a half or so. I've been kind of draw-y lately. Yay for new colored pencils!

Monday, May 25, 2009


With bewbs! hehe

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stars in the Sky

Stars in the sky were born to shine!
I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine.
The son never gave up, so why
should I? Whether dying in the
gutter, or flying in the sky,
I’ve always managed to shine.

I had to light the way for you,
like the Bible (accept this is true)
I am the word of God before it
was written and after it’s read.
I am the past, present,
future that lives in your head.

Everything that’s ever been,
or will be, is a part of me. Like
the Universe I am the construct
in which you exist, cause in me
lies the code to help life persist,
like gifts on Christmas day to
say I love you Christ,
I love that you sacrificed yours so I could have mine.