Wednesday, August 20, 2008

someone had to do it, with a Sandvich!

Someone had to break the post-monopoly Crow was working on.

Meet the Sandvich!

What does the Sandvich do? Well, it heals the heavy for 120hp. It's his unlockable. But wait? What's the deal with being healed 120hp? Apprarently he is vulnerable for 4 reloading for four it's an extended crap. He's got an unlimited amount of them though...

Why would you want to do this? Apparently if you're defending you can take on waves of enemies without leaving your post...thats the idea.

Regardless, he vid is entertaining. It's shot from the perspective of the sandvich in the fridge.


Cyrusse said...

mmmm.. sandvich...
I stumbled across this on vg cats yesterday and wasn't sure if it was real until it showed up on kotaku too.

Black Crow said...

it looks cool, but I dunno it seems a bit spanky, as long as no one is immediately in sight of the Heavy he can get all his health back without having to move, I dunno, this game is beyond me now.

defmoose said...

I'm sure balance was considered when developing the mechanic. That said, everyone knows my stance that it is WAY spanky that people who play the game more will have a healing mechanic with heavy that people who play casually will not have. If they unlock all weapons once all the class updates are done, then I'm 100% ok with all this crap now. Time will tell.