Monday, June 16, 2008

Cyrusse sux @ teh interschnitzel

Um, yeah... this may be one of those cart before the dead horse things... But someday it will grow up to be a website!


Cyrusse said...

But at least I can draw stick guys riding fish. That counts for something, right?

defmoose said...

It does if they're swimming up a waterfall. If not..... then not so much. =D

Black Crow said...

are you going to put your writing on it? like all of it? Id like to have it all in one place. Do they all share a similar label? I may just not have noticed. I put poetry on any of my poems for any who care to go back and pick through. I have been bemused thoroughly by looking at my old pieces and how crude they were just a year ago. For that matter my last few havent been up to par (for myself) its like I reached a peak when I was in the middle of my semester. hehe. Im too happy to write right now, ya know? Anywayz, I seriously am looking forward to you releasing more, sorry for not posting on the other piece you just posted but I havent had time to give it its due. Ill post a response in time. Good luck with the project

Cyrusse said...

My plan is to put writing and art type stuff on it. So far it's just going to have stories and drawings. I may try to scrounge up some poetry, but most of mine is real old and not terribly good.

I wanted a way to let you all easily view my longer pieces, since there's no way I'm going to try to put 50-100 page things in the comments here. And emailing or printing out copies gets annoying too. Once D&D is up and running (or staggering as the case will probably be for a while) I'll post something about it here.

I did notice that it ends up looking like "dream sand" because nothing is capitalized, but that's ok. I'm not offended by dream sand.

Lorigga said...

so is it pure coincidence that we both have domains that begin with "dream"?


I should obtian the following


but honestly, I've been thinking of aquiring "" or .org...

I've been wanting to play with godaddy but need another URL while I transition dreamnebula...I'm keeping dreamnebula too...

wow, this was such a narcissistic post am I that self absorbed?

congrats on your domain! treat it well, it will double as a kick ass virtual drive if nothing else.