Here's an interview with "the Valve dudes" by Leigh Alexander. I'm not sure if I've mentioned before, I like to hit up her blog, sexyvideogameland, every now and again because, well, she puts a lot of thought into her articles. They always seem to contemplate what it means to be actively engaging in a virtual world. To add, her father was a games journalist and she's kind of carrying up the tradition. But I digress...
According to the article posted on Gamasutra and what makes me turn all rosy lipped is just how aware Valve is of what they're doing and how they're propelling the PC game industry forward. They're coming up with new business models and content distribution models. They're fully aware that some would say PC gaming is dead...but they're not backing down. I heart them.
Hey...wait a minute, didn't I just gush over NIN's involvement with propelling the music industry? And wait, Valve totally had me in HS with Half-Life...NIN had me with Downward, we were all just cool kids who knew who to support!
And to make this the biggest baddest Valve orgy session I must add the following (and latest as of this post) VGcats comic:
I feel that pyros pain.
beat me again to a post! its ok the comic fit in with the rest of your post anyways hehe. =)
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