"The cities of San Francisco, New York, and Washington have utilized bluegills for monitoring their water supply from nonbiological toxicants such as pesticides, mercury, cyanide, heavy metals, fuel spills and phosphates. Fish cough by flexing their gills to expel unwelcome particles, like grains of sand, from their breathing passages. Sensitive instruments listen for unusual amounts of coughing. The American Army has given this device the commercial name "1090 Intelligent Aquatic BioMonitoring System'."
"Hey, this thing is cool, let's patent it."
"K, what do we call it?"
"I dunno. How about the Fish Cougher 1000?"
"Nah... 1000 is so overrated."
"Fish Cougher 1090!"
So is there a "Fish Testicle Pincher 1091"?
uhmm....why? where did that come from? haha
the army will even use poor fish to do their dirty work now.
ever have a physical? You know...put the hand somewhere to make you feel uncomfortable, cough...
Or was that just me and should I be traumatized?
haha, ohhh, I guess I just blocked it from memory. somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind I can remember the ol' *turn your head and cough* dance. poor fish I had no idea they also had to go through that.
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