I don't know if I'm ever doing that again. Maybe after eating about half a cow. So yeah. Who ever gets my blood is really lucky. It's limited edition.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
What I learned today (yesterday...): Giving blood sucks
Yesterday I decided to be a good citizen and donate blood. They have Red Cross come up to the labs every couple of months for blood drives and my friend from work always goes. I've gone with her before, but my blood hasn't been iron-y enough, so I never got bled. Until yesterday. She ended up having way too much work to do, so I ended up there by myself, and for once I passed the iron test. I was totally fine until right at the end when they attached some extra little test tubes to the blood sucker cord and wiggled the needle a little, and then I couldn't really hear anything and everything looked kind of dark and fuzzy. So I told them I felt kind of weird and they freaked out and stuck ice packs on me and it was pretty embarrassing. When they finally decided I wasn't going to pass out and let me leave, I went back to my cubicle and kept working. Everything was going fine until I got my bandage stuck on the arm of my chair and had to readjust it. My arm spurted out some blood and then the whole lack of hearing and sight thing came back. So I just sort of sat there for a while hoping I wasn't going to barf or die or anything and then went and begged for a ride home and curled up in a ball for the rest of the day. Ron's response to it all was something to the effect of "Why?!? You're like 2 feet tall; you have no blood." Hehe. At least I got a free umbrella for donating. It's the first new umbrella I've had since I was about five and got a purple one with a duck handle.
I don't know if I'm ever doing that again. Maybe after eating about half a cow. So yeah. Who ever gets my blood is really lucky. It's limited edition.
I don't know if I'm ever doing that again. Maybe after eating about half a cow. So yeah. Who ever gets my blood is really lucky. It's limited edition.
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I used to give blood on campus all the time. Like, I'd see the sign and hit the blood drive...they were always good at letting me know when I could give again.
I've seen some sad stuff...for instance, once I got in and there was girl about your size there. Seemed like she had been there long. Well, I filled my pint, and was out before she was done...
One thing I learned in the whole blood giving thing. Some people are MADE for it, while others arent in the least.
I had a friend about your size Cyrusse, her name was Ximena. She gave blood ALL the time, even platelets!
So I know it's not merely your size...guess you just had to see if it's your thing.
I really don't know too much as to why it's very taxing on some people and not on others.
I can't believe you bled later..are you bruised? I never bled later..OMG, thats crazy...
I was done real fast, and I think that might have been part of the problem. My friend who goes all the time is about my size and doesn't have any problems, so I think I may just not have enough excess blood or something. Lame...
peoples blood types seem to be different. not just the type type but like how much they bleed when they get cut and things of that nature. Obviously its genetic but Im not sure the direct gene associated, I just remember hearing about in Anthro.
ohh and at least you were trying to do a good thing. I for one never donate, nor do I plan on it. I have a thing about my body and sharing it. Id rather give money than blood if that makes any sense.
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