Alright well to be honest I'd rather not just repost articles from other blogs, but this is just too cool. So you just jam it in your eye and ya see stuff. Theres probably more to it than that but who really cares.
.... Fine....
So these guys at the University of Washington managed to jam a bunch of things into a contact lense. Good news is that they got all this stuff in there and it's not going to kill you. Everything is flexible and mostly organic in nature. They managed this all on a nano level by building the tiny parts and then forcing them together though a process known as self assembly. From what I gather its like a puzzle that puts itself together. Certain pieces can only attach other certain pieces. Sounds like they just sprinkle these tiny parts on and they assebly themselves. Crazy.
Anyways at the moment the contacts do pretty much nothing. The plan for the future however is to have them receive radio waves that will could be sent from any source. The waves would then be translated into images by the processors and illuminated in your eye by leds. Their high hopes even include powering the contact through either radio waves or solar power.
So far the contacts have been tested on rabbits. Sounds like their safe for at least 20 minutes without the rabbits freakin out. No idea if thats just because the rabbits weren't used to contacts or if they caused death after 20 minutes, the article didn't say. But it did inspire the following comments on gizmodo(which is the real reason I posted):
HIPHOPOPOTAMUS -"WTF? Now rabbits have cooler tech than I do? I give up!"
SHUFT -"Just wait til you hear what the Korean Rabbits are using."
saw a post about this on kotaku. their angle on it was that you could see gaming interfaces in your eye instead of on the television. i can already see the world in which there's a meta reality on top of regular reality, this pretty much seals the deal.
Fucking nuts! Whats next microchip in my dick?
You know, I really do have a shortage of things to shove in my eyes, so this is great news.
And that picture of the rabbit eye is totally scary.
And unless Crow has detachable penis issues, I don't know that we need to be microchipping him.
"I just found this guy wandering around. He looks lost."
"Hmm.. well maybe his owners got him microchipped. Let's scan him."
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