Monday, June 1, 2009

International Marmot Day!

I officially declare today the first annual International Marmot Day, a celebration of all things marmot. So get out there and hug a marmot, or let a marmot steal your soul, or do an interpretive dance about marmots (if you choose this option, please film and put on youtube). Celebrate the marmot way of life; bask in the sun, eat grasses and berries, go back in your hole for another two weeks if you see your shadow, scratch your mites and fleas, bite oldschool, use your cute fluffiness to detract from your workings as a minion of the Dark Lord (Sauron, Satan, Voldemort, any other relevant dark lord).
They're swarming like things that swarm!


defmoose said...

Quick give them raisins and make them go away! hehe

Black Crow said...

I thought international marmot day was sort of Groundhogs Day? no?

Cyrusse said...

That's just national marmot day. This is international. It's way cooler.