Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How is you know when times are good?

So much in my life is going so well, can't complain.
And yet, we're at war, in a depression, about to have a monumental election and I don't have a job.
Shit is confusing.
It's at times like these that I rely on the internet to cheer me up and get me through these troubling times.
Here's what I found:

Here's looking to the future. It's going to be freaking awesome!


Cyrusse said...

wow. um.. I think I want one, but I'm not quite sure. how do you find these things?

Spontaneous what said...

You have to make one.
my question is what do you do with all the leftover parts?

Lorigga said...

I see it breathing water out...where does it take water in?

Who would win Octophant or Giant Squid?

Cyrusse said...

somewhere there are a whole lot of elephants with octopi for heads. I guess we call them an elepus?

Black Crow said...

this image is fucking nuts!

defmoose said...

"I should not be"

I love it. Though my initial thought was not that somewhere there are a bunch of elephants with octopus heads, but that there were a lot of elephants sans trunks lol.