also: stickman's previous boomerang issues
We can pretend it’s slang for being crazy or something. But we know the truth. It means you went in a cup of shit. A 3-foot cup of shit. After being shrunk by a ray-gun. A half full cup of shit. (Or half empty.) That's in the corner of Steve's room. So it can be looked at. Or eaten. Your choice. You can do whatever you want with it.
I actually like the other boomerang issues strip better, but this one called out to me today because my rations for work include two bananas. Considering trying to boomerang one, but then I'll have to call myself an asshole for losing the last banana... hmm... dilema.
if you throw it then I have to leave you. hehe.
too late, I ate it.
never seen bananas be so important, makes me thinks yall are monkeys.
btw Moose did you get a chance to work on that image, I was going to go to the shop today, its ok if you didnt though, I can show her later.
you need to check ur emails =\
and you is a monkey hehe
I guess so haha!
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