There once was a man named Sam
And Sam felt that he had been damned
The sun never shined, the moon wasn’t kind,
And Sam never could understand
But one day Sam meet Miss Sue
And Sue seemed to have a clue
She kissed all his wounds, and became his Moon
In this world no love was as true!
Until that one fateful day
Sue was taken so far away
Sam looked and he looked, and his life he forsook
And in this way he started to pray:
Bring her back, bring her back!
Was it something I lacked?
How dare you treat me as such, was I asking for much?!
Why tease me when you see that my heart is black?
How much more can I take before I just snap?
Did you not see that for me there's no chance?
Why not keep it as such, did I ask for Sue’s touch?
Yet openly you delivered the match
Even easier still for you to just snatch
And strip me of anything I thought should last.
This prayer was evil and Sam knew it to
He was just so angry it was all he could do
He cursed, and rehearsed, and made himself worse
Until Sam wasn’t Sam, he was now Mr. Cruel
Mr. Cruel cursed the world and his fate
Nothing left to love, nor to hate
Without Sue around, his heart can’t be found
Such a terribly lonely state
I realized AFTER I wrote this that in the Dr. Seuss book that I loved so much as I child, the main character is called SamIAm. I chose the name Sam totally out of nowhere, or so I thought....
I really like the changeup in pacing in the middle "prayer" stanza. And also the narrator vs first person aspect between the rest of the poem and the "prayer" stanza is pulled off quite well. don't really have any suggestions for it, good stuff.
unrelated, but were you gonna reinstate wow today?
sorry, no. too busy. may just have to a wait a couple more weeks. so much hw.
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