Jhereg, the best fantasy gangster book ever written! Ok, where do I begin in my summary? For starters, I loved it. Thats usually cool when you actually enjoy the book that your friend tries to push on ya (dont worry, there was no pushing here, In the Text is voluntary)(or is it really voluntary or is it like a scenario with the Demon where Moose is simply testing us with the offer of a free book, perhaps had I not eventually finished the book he would have taken it as lack of loyalty and arranged to have me killed in some sick twisted fashion, but I could be revefied of course, it would only be to teach me a lesson about being "friends"). Ok so reading the book has made me paranoid, again, thanks again Moose. Right before Im about to go on a plane. Yea. Ill be so looking at people suits to determine what blades these people will be carrying, hopefully no morganti, I dont know if Southwest has protection against sorcery, but it probably does, and my witch craft is mighty rusty. There, ya see what this book has done to me. It totally sucked me into its world of death, and life, and dragons, and mobsters, and wives? (even Loish gets a mate?), and undead Necromancers, and head strong Dzur lords (that remind me very much of dwarfs), and ever prideful Dragon folk (that remind me very much of elves), and ever pansy Tecklas? (never quite understood why everyone hated them but I fancy there sort of the gnomes of the bunch?)and everything else in between. The writing style was not stellar, and in fact, my edition had many grammatical errors that after I while, I just knew where not stylistic choices. I figure since its Fantasy the editors didnt exactly go over it with the same scrutiny they would a Toni Morrison novel, perhaps Im assuming too much. Regardless I loved his writing style, for everything it was worth. What it lacked in sophistication it more than made up for in flare, and personality. His style Ive seen before, it reminds me of Steven King, and pulp fiction, the "Im one of you" approach to writing a story, usually in the form of a first person male narrator. I love it! He totally pulls it off, and in my opinion, surpasses Steven King in many many ways, if I had to put my finger on it Id say that this book had just a tad bit more "honest humor" than King's more contrived formulaic approach. I also would through Steven Brust (yes, another Steven author, I love it!) into Kurt Vonnegut category for sure. A little less dark and less cussing in Brusts piece than in any of Vonnegut world wind Sci-Fi adventures, but it was definitely comparable. Again, its that first person, Im just one of you, detective, hard ass, narration that puts these two in league together, maybe thats just an American style period? I just mentioned 3 different fantasy (yes King has written a Sci-Fi fantasy series as well its called The Gunslinger, check it out) authors that were all writing fiction at the same general time, so perhaps theres just something about being a cooky American that translates over all the pieces, whatever the magic is, I LIKE! Id say that this book was quite easily the best fantasy book I have read since the Lord of the Ring series, and the most fun book I have read since Fear and Loathing. Which I read back in 2004. In other words, this experience was past due! I found myself laughing out loud hysterically only to see the rest of my family staring at me, accept my Mom, she just looks and smiles, because she knows what a good author can do to a perceptive reader. I would say this, the ending was sort of abrupt, but than again, how else does an assassination end? I just felt like I was, reeling, and spinning, so many plot twists, so many ideas shattered, new ones formed, it was starting to make me sick reading it, I just wanted the resolution already, which in this book doesnt happen until about 3 pages before the whole book ends! Thats a lot of waiting man, I was wondering, is Mellar going to die before I finish this book, theres like only 20 pages left...! Hehe, its cool though, I guess it was just a style choice, and it certainly did work in terms of suspense, there was no lacking of that. I could go on forever, but I think Ill end here to continue getting ready for my trip up North! see ya soon, enjoy this beautiful morning.
p.s. Steven Brust was born November 23, that makes him Sagittarius, just thought that was interesting. So many cool Steve's in the world.
ya it's pretty gewd. So you know that dragaerans are all the same species right? They're kinda like the elves from ffxi, they're bigger and stronger than Easterners and they may or may not have pointy ears. The house they're from determines things like hair, eye, and skin color or other distinguishing features. I made a post the differences between dragarens and easterners a while back, though i'm not sure if anyone read it at the time. and thats so crazy that brust is a sag, it figures.
In The Text: There Is No Substitute For Good Manners - Except Fast Reflexes
Here's the post I mentioned, check it out for some more info. You gotta right click on it and open it in a new window because stupid blogger won't accept target new page tags. Glad you liked the book it's one of my favorites.
ummmm, yeah, I enjoyed the book...it's been a minute. Kind of forgot a lot of it.
I'll make sure to have an adequate amount of hidden blades when I pick you up later.
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