Tonight Cyrusse, Lorriga, and I saw Sweeney Todd.
I was not expecting a serial-murder-revenge-love-story-musical.
Perhaps if I had, it wouldn't have put me in the same mood as I am now.
I found myself inadvertently covering my neck with my hand.
It made me appreciate that I am not a pie.
Smells like piss.
Looks like piss.
I think it's piss... and ink.
So apparently Defmoose was a little traumatized. I really liked it, and don't feel particularly traumatized. How can you not like a movie with a 5-10 minute song planning how to turn people into meat pies? And lines like:
"There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, and it's filled with people who are filled with shit, and the vermin of the world inhabit it."
Full of dark twisted humor and a fair amount of ridiculousness. I like musicals anyway, and this one does a pretty good job with clever lyrics. So if you don't have issues with paranoia about having your throat cut, I say go see it.
Yeah, Def's reaction was the icing on the cake! Really brought the whole storyline into perspective.
It's funny though, I've already started shaving with a brush and cream block and for some time I've been contemplating upgrading my razor to an actual shaving razor.
The whole time during the movie I kept thinking, "When I get home I'm so going to start looking up the prices and tools for keeping and maintaining an actual shaving razor..." Like the whole movie, honestly...
So yeah, Def, soon I don't know if you'll be able to watch me shave =)
And I must say, Depp plays a lunatic so well. Very good performances all around in this one.
Just don't start singing to your razors about rubies. That might creep me out a little.
Start with a double edged safety razor man I'm telling you thats what got me to start shaving more than once a month (or every other as it were) no leather straps to deal with (well less your into that) and you get a very similar experiance for a lot less trouble.
Good to hear the movie was as crazy as I heard. still pissed I didn't go but school was worth it... I guess...
How is the double edged safety razor different from a Mach3 razor (which is what I use now)? Is it that these over the counter razors have little guards or something?
I wasn't planning on singing to my new razor blade...but now that you mention it...
I'm so going to start writing a song..
What: I think it's playing again next wednesday. I'd go again.
Lorigga: *sigh* just as long as you don't destroy any pre-existing songs. There's one AFI song that I think you may have ruined forever.
Apparently I already use a double edged safety razor...good old wikipedia!
So yeah...straight edged razor w/ leather strop, here I come!
Def totally helped me ruin that one! I was not alone...remember that!
And I'll ruin any song I damn well please.
/slap What
So why is What getting slapped constantly now? Is this the new in thing to do? Am I missing out?
/slap What
Hmm... strangely satisfying... hehe
wow for a post that just popped up this has a lot of responses. Ahh Ron and being traumatized. I dont know how many movies Ive show Ron that have little effect on me accept for amusement but that Ron finishes watching and says that he doesnt know if he likes it, he doesnt know if he dislikes it, hes just disturbed. Case in point: Evil Dead 2 (harmless zombie movie....) and Pan's Labrynth (its a fairy tale for crying out loud). Not talking shit, just pointing out that Ron is easily traumatized.
I saw Sweeny Todd the day it came out. I loved it! I thought you knew it was a musical Ron its been out for like 2 months. I dont think Id ever sit down to a musical and enjoy it unless I was aware that thats what I was going to go see. Either way I like musicals and as far as lyrics go this one is amazing! Tim Burton is my favorite director so I have bias. Im going to want to "like" his movies so of course if their only half good than I love them. The setting, the over exaggerated blood, its everything Ive come to hope for in a Burton flick. Glad that Sydney liked it. I can say this about it though. It spoiled my appetite for a long time. Thats real. The blood didnt phase me at all, human pie sort of tripped me out. As I watching it I just thought it was the funniest, craziest, most fucked up thing to add to any plot. But when I got home, I just couldnt eat. That remained for the rest of the night.
I still love the movie though. Im sure Ill buy it when it comes out.
It just came out at xmas so its only been out a month. i just never looked it up to see what it was all about. it is definitely an interesting experience to have no ideas/expectations whatsoever and then see a movie, especially when it turns out to be a musical lol. So far this has happened to me twice lately. =D
Don't remember Evil Dead 2 though I know I watched with you in Berkeley. I'm prolly down to watch it again sometime. Pan's Labyrinth was pretty freaky for a fairy tale and I own it, so that can be checked off as I like it.
Prolly the movie that disturbed me the most was Fight Club. I walked out of that and looked at the world differently. Prolly one of my favorite movies ever. All these others only had temporary effects. =)
The only movie that really disturbed me was the Ring...for days after seeing it I just couldn't leave the TV on.
We should check out an actual musical sometime. Movie musicals are amazing with the graphics. Live musicals provide that energy you just can't get through the screen.
I'll try to find one that I know you'll at least be open to =)
p.s. everyone still down for hellgate tonight? i've got skype up. peace.
Oh well short lived trauma is different than something that really gets you like fight club. For me that movie will always be Requiem for a dream. I still havent seen it since I watched it with you Ron all those many moons ago. Damn as for owning Pan's Labrynth I suppose I feel kind of silly knowing you own it. Damn you Ron with your reason and logic.
Oh ya p.s. for those that dont know my instant karma for laughing at Ron was that I got more viscously sick last night than I have ever been in many years. I havent thrown up that much since I was a child. Was it the image of human pie that set it off? Not sure but immediately after I posed I was running to the bathroom, and before the post I felt fine. Sigghh perhaps now that I see the errors in my clowning I can feel better. Havent thrown up in hours (thank God!) but I still feel like shit. Sorry again for flaking on Hellgate but if I would have tried to play I would have thrown up on my keyboard. Perhaps if things stay as chill as they are Id be down for playing tonight. Ill throw up skype
either way. Peace.
No need to apologize for not wanting to puke on your computer. Pretty sure we can all understand that. I hope it was just karma and not some sort of stomach flu. Blah.
"Ass to ass!" *waves flashlight* hehehe
Crap. I hope I don't get barfy karma... That movie actually is traumatizing though. I saw it with my friend when I was visiting her at her dorm in Davis and she was like "hey there's this movie playing on campus, let's go see it" and I'm like "ok, movie, whatever." Totally not expecting that.
oh god...
ass to ass...
I forgot about that...
yeah, that movie was totally beyond the Ring on the disturbance scale...
Hope you feel better...puke karma...guess thats the flavor of the Universe for this month. You got karma, well, how about you puke? Or better yet, clean someone else's puke! Hmm, what could be worse? Perhaps puking right after cleaning someone else's puke...yeah, maybe that will be next.
What a sick and twisted world...
i'm throwing up......
skype right now =)
i hope i don't puke =(
b.t.w. the ass to ass comment was not necessary Syd...brought back unwanted images...for sure! the waves flashlight around detail was what really brought the image back. how bout you dont traumatize me again.
She can damn well traumatize you as much as she wants!
I'm a bit of an equal opportunist...
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