Monday, December 17, 2007

Thaks to all!

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It was a very successful mission. Thanks for everyones patience while Lorenzo operated. It was well worth the wait for me because my computer is now playing games better than ever before. Hellgate London is amazing! Very fun, more or less feels like Diablo 3. Id like to say more but the game is calling me back so I must cut this short. Thanks for all the generosity and good times. I cant wait to see you all again soon. Peace!

1 comment:

Lorigga said...

Speaking of Diablo 3...

I had a post about speculation that Bliz is indeed making Diablo 3.

"Surfer Girl" has mentioned just a small leak of more info:

"The next Diablo (probably titled Diablo III) will feature a single-player component (akin to previous titles) and an MMO component (less akin to previous titles), will be announced sometime next spring and is still on track for release before decade's end."

Sounds like their changing up Diablo's multiplayer elements...Will it be like Hellgate? How would they create "Next Gen" MMO while including a single player component.

They have plenty of we'll see.

oh yeah, I'm glad the comp worked out! It's nice when things take a turn like that and quick thinking prevails!