Friday, November 9, 2007

Oil Spill

Apparently an Oil tanker hit a column on the Bay Bridge causing a "medium sized" oil spill. One article mentioned that the wind is moving around oil globules and contaminating various areas of the bay.

It seems the Marina has been affected:
MEDIA RELEASE: Oil spill Affects Berkeley Marina

Calif. declares emergency over Bay Area oil spill
Oil Spill closes San Francisco beaches
-form MSNBC

Oil Spill Fouls Shores in San Francisco Area
-the New York Times

I heard about this yesterday on the News, but I didn't realize how big this was. Mayor Newsom and Sen. Barbra Boxer mentioned a lack of information as the key cause for the delayed reaction.

I'm kinda worried about the ducks I was feeding at Aquatic park last weekend.

1 comment:

defmoose said...

thats so horrible for the environment. as if the bay weren't dirty enough already. fuck man. and why does it all sound SO shady? wtf is going on?