Monday, November 26, 2007

Living computer!!

Well, not really, just building a computer via a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Skynet anyone?

I found the info interesting because there seems to be a LOT of people who want computers to repair and program themselves. I remember reading an article a while back about creating an operating system that repairs itself when there are failures and crashes. A sort of organic system which exists in software.

This could be interesting in that who knows what kind of crazy ideas will come from merging natures devices and man's devices.


Black Crow said...

Come with me if you want to live.

Black Crow said...

Are you Sarah Connnnnaaaah?

Lorigga said...

I will govern your city and hunt you down....

wait, that was from reality, and was his stance against illegals...I guess arnold doesn't care as long as you're trying to kill the future savior of the human race...