Wednesday, January 9, 2008

We're related to chupacabras. Um.. Huzzah?

This freaky looking little guy is a colugo, a gliding rain forest mammal of some sort that is the closest related species to primates scientists have found. I sort of want to pet it and it sort of scares me.


Black Crow said...

I saw some crazy primate thing on Animal channel. It has this crazy looking hand. The middle finger is extra long and sort of claw like. Its really creepy and sort of looks like a baby human hand with a super long middle finger. Is this the same animal? It was from the rain forest and super rare. I just dont remember if it glided.

Cyrusse said...

I found a picture of its hand, and I'm not sure it's what you're describing, but it's pretty crazy looking.

Black Crow said...

equally crazy but ya this is not the same creature. I guess a good tip off would have been the fact that this creature is primate-ish and the other is a straight primate. but there are similarities for sure. the other creature is definitely a rodent looking primate, they both look creepy, and both from rain forest. the other creature's middle finger is so pronounced that the native people would say if it pointed it at you youl die. I guess now I have to remember the name so I can post a picture. Just promise you wont find either of these creatures and try to pet them.

Spontaneous what said...

Yeah I'm thinking this is what you're talking about:

Crazy long devil finger

Saw him first on a crazy Lemur show hosted by John Cleese

Highly recommended as it is hilarious

Cyrusse said...

That definitely has to be the finger thing. And there is no way in hell I'm trying to pet that one. It makes the little spotty glidy guy look downright cuddly.

Black Crow said...

Ya thats the one. Didnt look that freaky on the document but I didnt really get a good look. Yay to Aye Aye!